Audenge is home to a wealth of tangible and intangible heritage. To help young and old alike discover it, 4 heritage centres have been set up around the town. Each centre focuses on a particular theme, and invites you to explore all its aspects through written, audio and video information, anecdotes, old postcards and games.

You won’t believe just how much the town of Audenge and the people of Audenge have to tell you and show you!

The ports

To discover the 3 ports in Audenge, the swimming facility and the oyster farmers.

Local people

To meet those who have made the bigger and smaller histories of Audenge.

The fresh water

To explore the numerous streams in Audenge, the mills and the wash houses.

The changing landscape

To understand the natural landscapes round Audenge, created by several centuries of human activity.

Locate the heritage meeting points :